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Career & Technical Education (CTE)

John Scrogham

Coordinator of Career and Technical Education

(480) 987-5300

Combs High School is dedicated to giving students opportunities to learn and grow both academically as well as technically. Students earn industry approved credentials as part of their experience, as well as professional and leadership skills. We offer many classes through Career and Technical Education programs to help students learn the skills necessary to pursue careers in areas such as Agriculture, Business Management, Medical Assisting, Nursing Assistant, Graphic Design, Digital Communication, Digital Photography, Film and TV, Stagecraft, Software and App Design, and Sports Medicine. Teachers of CTE courses have specialized Arizona certification in Career and Technical Education.

CTE courses are also offered at the East Valley Institute of Technology. EVIT is a career and technical education district serving over 35 high schools in the East Valley. Students attend EVIT half day and earn elective credits while attending their home high school the other half day for academic credits. Some courses offered at EVIT include 3D Animation, Radio Broadcasting, Aviation, Culinary Arts, Commercial Banking, Construction, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Tech, PMT (Machinist), Welding, Automotive, Collision Repair, Fire Fighting, Law Enforcement, Cosmetology, Aesthetics, and Massage Therapy. See the EVIT link for a full list of programs.

The J.O. Combs Unified School District invites business and industry leaders to partner with our CTE programs to prepare our students for future careers. For information on partner opportunities, please contact CTE Coordinator, John Scrogham.