Free and Reduced Meal Applications
A new meal application must be submitted annually, even if approved the previous year.
Families are encouraged to submit a school meal application for free or reduced-price meal benefits because this information may be used for other programs, such as Sun Bucks. SUN Bucks is a new grocery benefit available across most of the U.S. Families with eligible school-aged children can get $120 in grocery benefits per eligible child during summer break. Families can use it along with benefits like SNAP to help children reach their full potential. Link to more SUN Bucks information here. Other programs your meal application can benefit from are: Federal and State funding for your school, reduced registration fees for academic tests, free or discounted fees for athletic programs, discounted rates for internet service and much more!
To apply online, please submit your application through the portal link on the right. Optionally, you may pick up a paper application at the front office of your child's school.