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Thank you for your interest in volunteering within the J.O. Combs Unified School District. We invite and encourage parents, guardians, and community members who wish to share their valuable time with our students to become a volunteer. You can help make a difference in the education of our children - the future of our community.

Volunteer involvement may include working in the classroom with students, helping with Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) sponsored activities, serving as library assistants, chaperoning field trips, guest speaking, or serving as the extra pair of hands that help extend the staff's time by copying, making material or working on any one of a variety of classroom projects.

Because student safety is most important, all volunteers are subject to reference and background screening by the district. These security checks are dependent upon the type and frequency of volunteer activity. Generally, the guidelines below will be applied, but may be modified to meet the needs of the individual campus or activity.

  1. Parents or Guardians who wish to volunteer in their child's classroom with the teacher's supervision or a volunteer that will not have student contact: 
    1. Volunteer application, reference checks, affidavit concerning criminal history
  1. Parents or Guardians who wish to volunteer on their child's off-campus field trip, supervising small groups of students (this includes coaches and overnight field trip chaperones):
    1. Volunteer application, reference checks, affidavit concerning criminal history
    2. Current fingerprint clearance
  1. Community members who wish to volunteer that will be working without teacher supervision, or community members that do not have a child in the classroom. This includes coaches and overnight field trip chaperones:
    1. Volunteer application, reference checks, affidavit concerning criminal history
    2. Current fingerprint clearance

Next Steps:

  1. Please submit the completed Volunteer Application to the site where you would like to volunteer. The Administrative Assistant at the school site may notarize your criminal history disclaimer and contact references listed.
  2. If applicable, the Human Resources department at the district office will then contact you to schedule your fingerprinting. Please bring a state-issued ID with you.
  3. Once your application is cleared, it will be returned to the school site and they will contact you. A new Volunteer Application must be submitted every 4 years for active volunteers.

Thank you for your interest in serving our district!