• FAQs

    Here you'll find the answers to many of your most common questions about our school.

  • Are dances scheduled for High School students?

  • What are the district's immunization requirements?

  • What are the school bus rules?

  • Do we have a dress code for the High School?

  • Are visitors allowed on campus?

  • My child brought home a "planner" from school. How are these used?

  • When is my child's lunchtime and what are the lunch prices?

  • Can my child leave campus?

  • What steps does the school take to help assure my child's safety?

  • Are there items I should not allow my child to bring to school?

  • What sports are offered at the high school?

  • Can my child make or receive phone calls at school?

  • What if my child is tardy to school?

  • What if my child must be absent?