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Open Enrollment

Arizona state law allows students to apply for admission to any state public school, based on available classroom space. While most campuses in the J.O. Combs Unified School District will have space for open enrollment students, some grade levels and/or programs will have closed enrollment because of growing student populations.  

The district will monitor requests for open enrollment and will use approved capacity ratios to assist them in the approval process. Capacity is updated every 12 weeks per A.R.S 15-816.01. 

Schools shall accept pupils throughout the school year as capacity allows. Pupils who are denied access due to capacity shall be informed that they are on a wait list and of the details regarding the process prescribed in A.R.S. 15-816.01(E). Pupils shall be selected as seats become available.

Enrollment Preference

A school district shall give enrollment preference to and reserve capacity for all of the following:

  1. Resident pupils
  2. Pupils returning to the school from the prior year
  3. Siblings of pupils already enrolled

A school district may give enrollment preference to children who:

  1. Are in foster care
  2. Meet the definition of unaccompanied youth prescribed in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (P.L. 100-77; 101 Stat. 482; 42 United States Code Section 11434a)
  3. Attend a school that is closing

If a school remains open as part of a boundary change and capacity is available, students assigned to a new attendance area may stay enrolled in their current school.

A school district may give enrollment preference to and reserve capacity for all of the following:

  1. Pupils who are children of persons who are employed by or at a school in the School District
  2. Resident transfer pupils and their siblings
  3. Pupils who meet additional criteria established and published by the School District Governing Board

If remaining capacity at a school, as determined by the School District Governing Board, is insufficient to enroll all pupils who submit a timely request, the school or School District shall select pupils through an equitable selection process such as a lottery (but not limited to a lottery), except that preference shall be given to the siblings of a pupil selected through an equitable selection process such as a lottery. 

Except as provided in A.R.S. 15-816.01, a school that is operated by a school district may not limit admission based on any of the following: 

  1. Ethnicity or race
  2. National origin
  3. Sex
  4. Income level
  5. Disability
  6. Proficiency in the English language
  7. Athletic ability

Admission Standards

A school district may refuse to admit any pupil who has been expelled from another educational institution or who is in the process of being expelled from another educational institution.

Open Enrollment Capacity 

Open Enrollment as of August 19 2024
*Last Updated August 19, 2024